Will Jackson
Played by Robbie Magasiva
Time at Wentworth: 6 years
Title: Deputy Governor
Having trained as a social worker, Will knew what he was in for when he moved into corrections and was determined to make a difference.
A calmer Will returned for Season 2 as he accepted Meg’s killer, Jacs Holt, had paid the ultimate price with her own life. However, in Season 3, he learned Franky was in fact the one who killed his wife unintentionally. Determined to move on after Meg’s death, Will found solace with prison nurse Rose Atkins in Season 3. Their blossoming relationship was hijacked when Will was suspected of murdering Harry Smith and a vigilante group supporting Bea, headed by Kaz Proctor, targeted him.
With Ferguson back inside in Season 5, chaos reigns as drugs are being ploughed into Wentworth. Will sets out to find the perpetrator and discovers more than he anticipated.

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