Jake Stewart
Played by Bernard Curry
Time at Wentworth: Approximately 2 months
Title: Corrections Officer
Good-looking and easy-going, Jake is a breath of fresh air in the prison environment. He is from a family of correctional officers but isn’t weighed down in the darkness and doesn’t take his work home with him. On the face of it, Jake’s an enthusiastic, committed officer. He is charming, charismatic and the life of the party and centre of attention. But this is a mask. At his core, Jake is a selfish, opportunistic chameleon, able to befriend and charm at the drop of a hat which Vera quickly discovers. They begin a passionate relationship.
However, Jake can also be easily manipulated which Ferguson discovers by the end of Season 4, and he is under the Freak’s power. He murders the key witness at Ferguson’s trial. Then just as he sees a welcome escape from Ferguson’s hold, she is back in Wentworth for Bea Smith’s murder.

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